Defense Lawyer Helps With Possession, Consumption Of Alcoholic Beverages By Persons Under Legal Age (N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15) Charges
When people under the age of 21 are caught with alcohol in New Jersey, the state has a variety of options it can employ to punish the behavior, as spelled out in Possession, Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Persons Under Legal Age (N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15).
First, conviction means you’ll pay a $500 fine as punishment for a disorderly persons offense.
If the violation occurred in a motor vehicle, your license will be suspended for six months, or your ability to receive a license from New Jersey will be delayed by six months.
The court also has the discretion to order you to participate in an alcohol treatment program.
Teenagers are poor decision makers, but not every youthful indiscretion deserves the attention of law enforcement and prosecutors.
Attorney Matthew Reisig can help your child get back on track and avoid complications from New Jersey’s criminal justice system.
If you need help with Possession, Consumption Of Alcoholic Beverages By Persons Under Legal Age charges, call 732-625-9661 today and talk to an experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney for free.