The State Board of Social Work Examiners is the governing body for social workers in the state of New Jersey, and practicing social workers are required to hold a license issued by the board to work as social workers in the state.
Those who practice social work without a license in New Jersey, work beyond the scope of a license that has limited by the board, promote themselves as social workers when they are unlicensed or have had a license revoked, or practice social work under a false or assumed name are in violation of statute N.J.S.A. 2C:21-20.4, Unauthorized Practice of Social Work. Those charged under the law face a sentence of three to five years, $15,000 in fines, a felony record, and the possibility of additional sanction from the board.
It is possible to defend yourself against charges of Unauthorized Practice of Social Work. Matthew Reisig has helped protect the rights and careers of professionals facing allegations of fraudulent or out-of-scope work for nearly 20 years. Call 732-625-9661 today and talk to an experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney for free.