Criminal Defense Attorney For Human Trafficking (N.J.S.A. 2C:13-8)
Human Trafficking (N.J.S.A. 2C:13-8) in New Jersey is an extremely serious charge.
As a first degree crime, judges have some discretion in sentencing, but at a base you’ll be facing a minimum of a 20 year sentence if convicted.
The charge itself alleges that you held, recruited, enticed, lured, transported, provided, harbored, or otherwise obtained another person to engage in sexual activity, labor, or services.
Methods matter, and the state will have to prove that you used physical restraint, threats, injury, or caused the person to believe others would be injured if they failed to cooperate.
When any of the victims are under the age of 18, the state has a lower bar to meet in proving guilt, and your sentence can increase substantially.
These are extremely dangerous charges, and your only choice is to protect yourself with the most experienced criminal defense attorney you can find.
If you’re dealing with human trafficking charges, call Matthew Reisig today at 732-625-9661 for a free consultation with an experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney.